We've divided the program into colored themes to help you select:
THURSDAY | |||||
18.00 |
HackathonGet in, hackathon, registration open from 18.00 to 22.00. |
18.00 |
Mingling and foodMingle with participants and lecturers in the hotel lobby bar. The hotel restaurant is open with a la carte menu- kitchen closes at 22.30 |
11.00 |
Journalistikken og samfunnetKnut Olav Åmås fra Fritt ord: Hva slags journalistikk trenger samfunnet i dag? Hva er de største utfordringene for journalistikken, og hvor ligger de største mulighetene? |
Journalist og programmerer?Kristoffer Örstadius fra Dagens Nyheter: Filosofien bak programering. Hvordan lære programmering som journalist - og hva er fordelene? Grunneleggende kodesyntax. |
Basic tools for beginnersEsa Mäkinen from Helsingin Sanomat. Absolute beginner workshop for making interactive visualizations. Bring a laptop (you need Google Chrome and Excel or similar program pre-installed) and you’ll be able to make simple interactive maps, charts and imagemaps. |
BT: Få journalistikk inn i datajournalistikkTove B. Knutsen, Lasse Lambrechts og Anders Eriksen fra Bergens Tidende: #bord4 forteller hvordan de bygget en plattform og arbeidsflyt for datajournalistikk som tillot dem å fokusere mer på journalistikken en teknikken. Og de forteller hvorfor de har gått fra å hate, til å elske mobiltelefonen. |
Resistance to technological change?Joakim Karlsen and Anders Sundnes Løvlie: To walk the walk. Journalism, practice and innovation.Sunniva Relling Berg: Mostand mot og vilje til digital publisering. |
12.00 |
Lunch break - in the lobby upstairs |
13.00 |
Avisenes digitale økonomiArne Krokan, prof. dr. polit, NTNU: Facebook vil lage den perfekte personifiserte avisen for hver eneste person i hele verden. Hvordan skal norske aviser slå dem? Og hva har dette med prinsippene for ”Den digitale økonomien” å gjøre? Stikkord er analyse og nettverk. |
VG's do's and don'tsDan Kåre Engebretson, datajournalist at VG: What’s a good workflow when you start a datajournalism or storytelling project? VG reveals some of their do’s and don’ts from 2014. |
Basic tools for beginners - cont.Esa Mäkinen from Helsingin Sanomat: Hands on session continues. |
Get the dataJens Finnäs, data journalist at Journalism++: Get started with scraping with Google Chrome Scraper. |
Big data: Access and applicationCristina Marco and Jens Barland: Bridging the gap between journalism and natural language processing: A tool for the automatic classification of Norwegian texts.Turo Uskali: Critically Speaking: Open Data as a Source for Data Journalists. Heikki Kuutti: Access to official data - the case of Finland. |
14.00 |
The Guardian: Interactive featuremaking - the practicalitiesFrancesca Panetta, multimedia journalist at The Guardian: Francesca Panetta walks us through her most recent projects at the Guardian, explaining the process of making them from concept design to launch. |
Why on earth should they care?Pål Nedregotten, VP development, Amedia: The "why" of data journalism - and why that may be the most important you never ask. |
Tools: Carto DBJamie De Mora: Learn how to tell compelling stories through maps and data with the tool of choice for Wall Street Journal or Fox News! In this session with the CartoDB super easy-to-use software, you’ll create your first amazing maps and visualizations. Bring you own laptop and create a free CartoDB account in advance here: Sign up |
Visualisere dataJonas Nilsson fra Adresseavisen: Fire tips for å lykkes med langlesing. Liv-Jorunn H. Ottesen fra Sunnmørsposten: Designer møter data. |
Big data: Access and application - continuesAhmed El Gody: 'Manual' Data Journalism and the Egyptian Revolution.Discussion. |
15.00 |
From "digital first" to "digital everyone"Anette Novak, CEO of Interactive Insttitute Swedish ICT: Co-creating the future at the heart of the community |
Bergens Tidende: #kommunebyggerLasse Lambrechts and Anders Eriksen, datajournalists at Bergens Tidende: Creating a viral hit from statistics using maps, gamification and automated journalism. |
Tools: Carto DB (cont.)Hands on session with Jamie De Mora continues. |
Helsingin Sanomat: What do they know?Esa Mäkinen, datajournalist at Helsingin Sanomat:What should we expect the readers to know when making interactive visualization? A talk about creating UI for interactive visualizations and mistakes in UI I’ve done during last five years. |
Technology and media organisationsLars Nyre, Joao Ribeiro and Bjørnar Tessem: Bringing to market academic prototypes for data-driven journalism.Ivar John Erdal: Muligheter og begrensninger i plattformuavhengig nyhetsjournalistikk. Jon Hoem “4k til 720”kinematografi i videojournalistikk. |
16.00 |
Close to the readers and deep in to data / The digital toolboxKatrine B. Frich from Denmark Radio: Data is a tool to explore and investigate. But (sometimes) it also hold a great potential to communicate complex stories in a graphic way that bring the story close to the citizens. The Data Desk at DR will present some examples from their own work.Anders Bergmann Nielsen from Ekstrabladet: An Editorial Toolbox can ease the process of making info graphics and data visualizations for all platforms. This speak will show why you should build digital tools and how to use them as an integrated part of your journalistic workflow. Session in Danish. |
Sunnmørsposten: Hvordan bygget vi #SMPlab?Tormod Utne, digitalredaktør i Sunnmørsposten: Hva skal til for å få til et utviklingsmiljø innenfor datajournalistikk i en mellomstor - men ressurspresset - redaksjon? Digitalredaktør Tormod Utne forteller hvordan. |
Dive deep into VG projectsDan Kåre Engebretsen, datajournalist at VG: Dissecting The Norwegian Debt Crisis and The Secret Accidents Reports from the Norwegian Public Road Administration. We look into the process, tools and pitfalls which made these projects possible on vg.no. |
CMS - problem or no problem?Teemo Tebest, programmer at Yle: How the team at YLE make data projects without their CMS being a problem. |
SummarySummary - recommendation for future conferences. |
17.00 |
Immersive Journalism - The sights, sounds and feelings of the news.Mikkel Rasch Nilsen, developer in creative technology: Immersive Journalism (immersivejournalism.com) is the production of news in a form in which people can gain firs person experiences of events or situations described in news stories.The fundamental idea is to allow the participant to actually enter a virtually recreated scenario representing the news story. Mikke Rasch Nielsen worked with creator Nonny de la Peña as a developer on Project Syria, and will walk us through this new, engaging way to experience stories. |
19.30 |
Dinner, guided city walkDinner in the hotel restaurant and a guided city walk ending up at one of the most charming pubs of Ålesund. NB: Pre paid only! |
10.00 |
Google: Data driven emotionsTarjei Vassbotn, developer platform manager at Google: A talk about how data must trigger emotions in order for change to happen,exemplified by how data and visualizations are used to drive decisions, set agenda and solve larger problems at Google. |
11.00 |
Theme: Covering election with dataAudhild G. Rotevatn, moderator. How do we cover election with data today? What works and what doesn't? Join the nordic panel in this unique exhange of experience and predictions about the future.In the panel: Jens Finnäs (J++), Bente Kalsnes (UiB), Kjetil Løseth (TV2 NO), Esa Mäkinen (Helsingin Sanomat), Juho Salminen (YLE radio), Magnus Bjerg (TV2 DK). NB: DEBATE CONTINUES WITHOUT BREAK UNIL ABOUT 12:30. |
Internet of Things and Google cardboardTarjei Vassbotn, developer platform manager at Google: Take a look behind the curtains and listen to what Google is into theese days. |
Security mattersRuna Sandvik, privacy and security researcher: The avalanche of disclosures over the recent years has only intensified the battle between mediaorganizations and the government, making it more difficult - and more risky - to share information. This presentation, and the workshop that follows, will discuss ways in which journalists can use encryption and open-source tools to protect sources and secrets. |
Tools: HighchartsTorstein Hønsi, CTO and founder of Highsoft and creator of Highcharts: This workshow goes through the process of creating and publishing interactive charts through the brand new Highcharts Cloud service. From raw data to published diagrams in web articles in a few simple steps.Bring your own laptop for this session. |
Journalism in the laboratory- an informal sit-in about experimental methods and business models.Chair: Professor Lars Nyre. The public needs the best possible journalism in the future, but do we know how to create it? Are the methods in the journalism industry and academia good enough to create genuine renewal? We will discuss how best to develop new types of journalistic media, and the influence of business models in the process. This is an informal sit-in between academic researchers, practicing journalists and business stategists. It starts with a 15 minute introduction by professor Lars Nyre, and then the floor is yours! |
12.00 |
Get to know d3.js + moreAnders Bergmann Nielsen, journalist at Ekstrabladet: Introduction to d3.js - hands on! To get the most out of this session you should know a little bit of html/css and JavaScript. You need Google Chrome and a text editor pre installed - i.e. Sublime Text. |
Security mattersRuna Sandvik, privacy and security researcher: Learn how to besecure online in this hands-on guide from one of the best. Bring your laptop, tablet, or phone and learn how to use open-source software to browse the Internet anonymously, send encrypted text messages, make encrypted phone calls, and more. To prepare, check theese sites: TOR Prosject, Whisper Systems, Tails and SSD. |
Tools: SilkAlice Corona, Resident Data Journalist at Silk, Amsterdam:Alice will demonstrate how (data) journalists can use Silk, a free tool that lets journalists, researchers, NGOs and content creators turn spreadsheets into interactive visualizations and maps in minutes. Silk has just launched a dedicated program to help news and media organizations use Silk for data publishing and visualizations. Silk visualizations have been used in Mashable, The Atlantic, GigaOm and The National Journal, to name a few. |
13.00 |
Lunch break- in the lobby upstairs |
14.00 |
Who will finance journalism in the future?Arne Krumsvik, Ph. D., Oslo and Akershus University College: External and internal factors threaten the data journalism initiative. Conditions for profitability of digital news media are not promising, and media mangers tend to prioritize digital journalism skills rather low. How should you deal with this? |
Theme: Election - YLEJuho Salminen, online journalism producer at Yle: How to use data journalism to make European elections interesting for voters? Case Yle (Finnish Broadcasting company) spring 2014. |
Adressa: SilkeveieneJonas Vikan og Ole Martin Wold - journalist og fotograf i Adresseavisen: «Silkeveiene» kartlegger og undersøker narkotikatrafikk fra det mørke nettet, sider som ligger på en skjult del av internet og ikke fanges opp av søkemotorer. Prosjektet dokumenterer at flere norske narkotikanettverk har vært i virksomhet i årevis, og avslører deres metoder, modus og hvordan de har utnyttet hull i norsk samfunnsstruktur til å stå for over 5500 salg av narkotika i fjor. |
TV2 DanmarkMagnus Bjerg, journalist og leder av datateamet hos TV2 Danmark: Se noen av prosjektene datadesken hos TV2 i Danmark har laget. |
15.00 |
Research highlightsA summary of the Research and Science track of NODA15. |
Theme: Election - using RJens Finnäs, data journalist at J++:A demo to show how Journalism++ used R programming to rapidly produce data analysis and visualization during election night in Sweden this fall. And an argument for the greatness of code in the newsroom. |
Adressa: Silkeveiene - cont.Fortsetter. |
16.00 |
Nominees for NODA awardsTrond i. Hovland, project leader at NxtMedia: Presenting the nominees for the NODA awards. |
17.00 |
Shaping media houses for the futurePer Axel Koch, CEO of Polaris Media: Why Polaris Media is investing in #ddj.What have we learned - and where are we headed: A panel with Per Axel Koch (Polaris Media), Hanna Relling Berg (Sunnmørsposten), Pål Nedregotten (Amedia), Erik Sønstelie (Schibsted Academy), Katrine B. Frich (Danmark Radio) and Ester Appelgren (Södertörn høgskola). Moderator: Trond I. Hovland (NxtMedia). Get ready for the NODA awards: Introducing the evenings host: Henrik Hylland Uhlving. |
20.00 |
The NODA awards 2014Host: Henrik Hylland Uhlving. Join your new friends for a formal dinner in the main room (Bankettsalen) - and the winners of the NODA awards are announced. NB: Pre paid only! |